
Located at:
1094 Trout Brook Road
Schroon Lake, NY 12850
Mailing address:
1094 Trout Brook Road
Olmstedville, NY 12857

Note: If using a GPS, Google maps works properly. However, Map Quest will send you to a dirt road!

If you are heading to Rocky Acres from SCHROON LAKE:
From Route 9/Main Street turn onto Hoffman Road
At the T intersection, you will take a left onto Trout Brook Road (Route 34)

On Trout Brook you will see signs for Rocky Acres Inn
Follow Trout Brook Road until just after the 90 degree turn

If you are heading to Rocky Acres from POTTERSVILLE or MINERVA:
Take Route 9 (Olmstedville Road) until you see the Y branch off. This is Trout Brook Road (Route 34). Follow Trout Brook Road until Rocky Acres Inn. If you go around a 90 degree turn you have gone too far.